One of the most frequent questions we are asked is, “do root canals hurt?” Most people have this preconceived notion of root canals, based primarily on television shows, movies, and more. Fortunately, we are glad to tell our patients that generally, they do not. As long as you have an experienced New Jersey dental team perform your root canal, you have absolutely nothing to worry about, and in fact, root canals are usually no more painful than a regular dental filling, and most of us have had at least one of those in our lifetime. Continue reading and speak with our knowledgeable dental team to learn more about root canals.
What exactly is a root canal?
The term, “root canal,” refers to the narrow passageway that extends from the center, hollow space of a tooth to the tooth’s roots. In certain cases, tooth pulp in these passageways will become either decayed or infected, in which case we will conduct a root canal procedure to remove the pulp to prevent the infection from spreading.
How soon will I have to get a root canal operated on?
Root canals are not extremely urgent, as they are typically slow-spreading, however, they are not something you should simply put off. The sooner you act, the less painful the procedure will be, and you will also reduce the chance of the infection spreading further. If your infection does spread into your jaw bone, the situation may become all the more urgent, which is why you should seek dental assistance sooner, rather than later.
What happens in a root canal procedure?
To start, your dentist will create a tiny hole in your tooth, remove the infected or decaying pulp/tissue, disinfect the canal, and simply refill the canal with a biocompatible, inter material, and then seal the tooth with adhesive cement. Your dentist will then install a temporary filling, and when you come back a few days later, he will install a permanent filling. This is a very routine procedure, with over a 90% success rate–we can assure you that you will have absolutely nothing to fret over.
Will my mouth hurt after getting a root canal procedure done?
While you may feel some discomfort, it will only be for a few days, and, furthermore, the discomfort is very manageable by simply taking OTC painkillers, such as ibuprofen.
Contact The Dental Associates of Basking Ridge
Dental Associates of Basking Ridge is a compassionate, gentle, and professional state-of-the-art dental practice serving Basking Ridge, Morris & Somerset County. Our office is always ready to greet our patients with a smile, take the time to answer any questions, and provide the quality dental services our patients expect. Please contact us to schedule an appointment. We look forward to serving you!