Among the most frequently asked-about dental procedures are those involving a “root canal.” Generally, we think of a dramatic, painful procedure, however, you’d be pleasantly surprised to learn that it does not have to be. With a skilled dental team at your service, you’ll be in and out in no time, and you’ll find it’s no more discomforting than receiving a standard filling. Please read on or contact our experienced dental team to learn more about root canal procedures.
What is a root canal?
Essentially, root canals are the narrow passageway that extends from a center, hollow space in your tooth to the end of your tooth roots. Sometimes, the tooth pulp in these passageways becomes infected or decayed, so the pulp must be removed to prevent the infection from spreading.
How urgent is a root canal?
While generally, root canal infections are slow-spreading and do not require immediate attention, you should address the problem as soon as possible to minimize discomfort and to stop the infection from spreading. If the infection ends up spreading through the root canal and into your jaw bone and its surrounding tissue, you may have an emergency situation on your hands, so it is best to treat the problem as quickly as you can.
How does a root canal procedure work?
First and foremost, you should know that these procedures are routine, and they have over a 90% success rate, so you have nothing to worry about. When you get a root canal treated, a trained professional will make a tiny hole in your tooth, remove the diseased tissue, disinfect your canal(s), and fill the canal back up with an inert, biocompatible material and sealed with adhesive cement. Finally, the access hole in your tooth will receive a temporary filling, and then a few days later, a permanent filling. However, if your tooth was very damaged, you may need a full-coverage crown, which our team will be happy to do for you, if need be.
Will my mouth hurt after getting a root canal?
You may feel a bit of discomfort, but only for a few days. Generally, you can aid the discomfort simply by taking over-the-counter pain killers, like ibuprofen or Aleve. If you think it may be time to get a root canal treated, do not hesitate to speak with our experienced dental team today!
Dental Associates of Basking Ridge is a compassionate, gentle, and professional state-of-the-art dental practice serving Basking Ridge, Morris & Somerset County. Our office is always ready to greet our patients with a smile, take the time to answer any questions, and provide the quality dental services our patients expect. Please contact us to schedule an appointment. We look forward to serving you!