Why should I consider Invisalign?


In today’s society, individuals have the opportunity to use alternative orthodontic devices to traditional braces to fix dental issues such as straightening teeth, overbites, underbites, gapped teeth, and open bites. Today, you can use Invisalign, which is a clear removable aligner. There are many benefits to choosing to use Invisalign to fix your dental issues. If you are considering using this type of aligner to enhance the appearance of your smile, schedule a visit with one of our proficient Invisalign Orthodontics/Dentists Located in Basking Ridge & Morriston, NJ who can conduct a smile assessment to determine an appropriate treatment plan for your dental needs. 

What is Invisalign?

An alternative orthodontic device to braces is Invisalign. Invisalign is a transparent aligner that is made of plastic which is used to adjust teeth. Typically, you would get this type of aligner if you are looking to straighten your teeth. Invisalign is available for teeth straightening treatment for kids, teens, and adults. This type of aligner is removable. This means you can take it out when you eat, drink, brush, and floss your teeth. This type of aligner gradually corrects your teeth over time. Although it is most commonly used for the orthodontic treatment of straightening teeth, this type of aligner can help with other dental issues such as crowded teeth, under and overbites, gapped teeth, and open bites. For the best results, wear them for at least 20 hours a day. With Invisalign, you will have fewer dentist visits. However, you still have to have regular check-ups at least every eight weeks to ensure the treatment plan works for your specific needs.

What are the benefits?

There are several benefits to choosing Invisalign over traditional braces or other aligners. Oftentimes, individuals who have traditional braces experience pain due to the uncomfortable wires in their mouths. Those that use this type of orthodontic aligner do not experience that pain because the orthodontic device is plastic. The benefits of Invisalign include but are not limited to the following:

  • More comfortable
  • Hardly noticeable
  • Able to eat any food and drink
  • Removable
  • Allow for better dental hygiene
  • Fix dental problems
  • Prevent other dental issues
  • Fewer dental visits
  • Shorter treatment period (50% faster than other aligners)

There are many benefits to using Invisalign to straighten your teeth rather than traditional braces. While remaining comfortable, you can boost your self-confidence as this orthodontic device is transparent and hardly noticeable. Ultimately, if you are considering this type of aligner, you should visit a dentist who can help you decide if this type of aligner is the best option for you.

For more information on using Invisalign, schedule an appointment with one of our dedicated and skilled Invisalign Orthodontics dentists located in Basking Ridge & Morristown, NJ. Our dentists are committed to helping our clients straighten their teeth while remaining comfortable and confident.

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