Dental anxiety is more common than you might think. If you struggle with anxiety during dental visits, continue reading to learn the top tips to consider that may combat some of those nerves and fears at your next cleaning. For further assistance with any of your dental needs, do not hesitate to reach out to our experienced New Jersey dental team at Dental Associates of Basking Ridge.
Talk with your dentist
One of the most important steps you can take is to talk with your dentist about how you are feeling. Your dentist and the dental team know how to treat you and your needs better than anyone. Communication can start as early as making your appointment with the receptionist. Let them know that you struggle with dental anxiety and would appreciate any extra care to help you get through the appointment. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and request coping mechanisms. You and your dentist can even come up with a signal that you can use to tell them that you need a break or that you are feeling overwhelmed during the exam. It is important that you keep constant communication with your dentist to let them know how you are feeling and if they can do anything to help you get through the visit.
Be mindful
Using mindfulness techniques is a great way to combat dental anxiety. This may include concentrating on other parts of your body and focusing on relaxing all of your muscles. You may want to count your breaths and slowly inhale and exhale. Focus on the control you have over your body and over your breath. Take it one moment at a time.
Distract yourself
There are a few ways to distract yourself while you are having an exam. You may want to wear headphones to block out the sound of the drill. Some dental offices may allow you to watch a show or DVD if they have televisions. Stress balls or fidget spinners may be another great way to distract yourself and to keep yourself occupied.
Don’t go alone
Something as simple as taking a loved one with you to your appointment may help you put your mind at ease.
Make your next appointment while you’re in the office
A lot of dental anxiety can come from the anticipation before you even make an appointment. You may feel anxiety knowing you have to schedule your next cleaning. This is why it is important that you schedule your follow-up appointment while you are at the office. This way, you know when your next appointment is, you will know how to prepare, and you won’t have to worry about calling to schedule one in the future. This tactic also helps individuals to prevent procrastinating these important visits.
Contact The Dental Associates of Basking Ridge
Dental Associates of Basking Ridge is a compassionate, gentle, and professional state-of-the-art dental practice serving Basking Ridge, Morris & Somerset County. Our office is always ready to greet our patients with a smile, take the time to answer any questions, and provide the quality dental services our patients expect. Please contact us to schedule an appointment. We look forward to serving you!